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Section 1 - Name

The name of the Club shall be the Sedona Car Club, Inc. also referred to as the Sedona Car Club; a 501 (c) 7, nonprofit social Club.

Section 2 - Purpose

The purposes of the Club are: to provide and exchange information pertaining to all motor vehicles; to encourage the maintenance, preservation, and restoration of them; to promote social fellowship among Club members through meetings, tours, car shows, or civic activities.


Section 1

Application for Membership   Any person who is in sympathy with the purposes of the Club shall be eligible for membership. Households in which two persons are listed, shall be considered as two separate members with separate and equal rights.

Section 2

Other Memberships  Associate, honorary, or other special memberships may be granted upon approval by the board of directors.

Section 3

Meetings  Board meetings shall be held the first week of each month or as otherwise specified, with the exception of July. The board meeting is open to all members of the Club. Membership meetings shall be held the second Tuesday of each month or as otherwise specified. Written notice of membership meetings or events, for purposes of a vote, shall be provided via the Club newsletter or other written communication, e.g., email.

Section 4

Expulsion  Any member whose conduct is judged not to be in keeping with the purposes, aims, and best interest of the Club may be expelled after a due hearing through the affirmative vote of a majority of the board of directors, A notice of the charge(s) shall be posted by registered mail to the member by the secretary. The member will be given a period of thirty days after a charge has been posted to answer the allegations before expulsion can be in effect. All rights and privileges of an expelled member shall be terminated immediately after expulsion. Reinstatement of an expelled member cannot occur until at least one year has elapsed from the date of the expulsion and the application for readmission has been approved by the board of directors.


Section 1

Dues  Dues for Club members shall be established each year by the board of directors. Membership applications approved and renewal dues paid during October, November, and December are valid for the ensuing calendar year. Annual dues shall be paid to the membership chairperson by the 31st day of January. A household with two members is only required to pay one annual membership dues. Dues will be delinquent as of February 1st.


Section 1 - Board Composition

The five (5) elected officers of the Club and order of succession shall be: president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Joining the officers on the executive board shall be editor and historian, as well as membership, tours/events, program, and publicity chairpersons. Individuals may hold more than one office. The total number of board members shall not be fewer than seven. The board may add or delete one board position as needed. The president must have served on the board in some previous capacity.

Section 2 - Nomination and Election of Officers

A nominating committee composed of at least three Club members shall be appointed by the president prior to the September general membership meeting. Nominations by this committee must be submitted to the membership at the October meeting. Additional nominations may also be submitted by Club members at that time, with the permission of the person being nominated. The membership shall be notified through the November newsletter. Voting for the slate nominated by the committee may be done by acclamation at the November meeting. However, if additional nominations have been submitted, a ballot containing the names of all persons nominated will be distributed at the November meeting. The nominating committee shall be responsible for counting the ballots.

Section 3 - Duties of Board

The duties and powers of the board of the Club shall be as follows:

  • Section 3a: President - The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Club; shall appoint all committees, with approval of the board, and shall have all powers, authority, and duties usually accorded a president.
  • Section 3b - First vice president - in the absence of the president, the first vice president shall perform the duties of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the board of directors or the president.
  • Section 3c - Second vice president - In the absence of the first vice president, the second vice president shall perform the duties of the first vice president.
  • Section 3d - Secretary - The secretary shall record all minutes of the meetings of the board of directors and any vote results taken at regular meetings of the members, and shall perform such other duties as the bylaws or the president or board of directors may direct.
  • Section 3e - Treasurer - The treasurer shall receive and disburse the funds of the Club as directed by the board of directors, shall render a financial report monthly to the board of directors, and/or whenever the board of directors or president directs; shall perform such other duties and possess such other powers as usually pertain to the office of the treasurer or as may be directed by the president or board of directors. All Club funds are to be deposited and/or invested as directed by the board of directors.
  • Section 3f - Membership chairperson - The membership chairperson shall keep an up-to-date register of the names, addresses, and motor vehicles of all Club members; send membership applications upon request; process membership applications; receive dues to be turned over to the treasurer, and shall perform such other duties as the bylaws prescribe or as the president or board of directors may direct.
  • Section 3g - Tours/events chairperson - The tours/events chairperson shall arrange and promote activities among the members involving their motor vehicles in outings, tours, parades, civic promotions, etc.
  • Section 3h - Program chairperson - The program chairperson shall arrange informative, educational, and entertaining programs for the monthly membership meetings.
  • Section 3i - Editor - The editor shall prepare and publish the monthly bulletin, Tire Tracks, to the membership under the direction of the president and board of directors.
  • Section 3j - Historian - The historian shall maintain a permanent chronological record of the Club activities.
  • Section 3k - Publicity chairperson - The publicity chairperson shall promote and publicize activities and events of the Club.
  • Section 3l - Member Outreach - The member outreach shall initiate ideas and communication between the general membership and the board of directors.
  • Section 3m - Webmaster - The webmaster shall be responsible for all actions required to maintain and update the Club website.

Section 4- Term of Office  

The term of office of elected board shall be one year commencing on January 1. All board members are eligible for re-election.


Section 1 - Board of Directors  

The Club shall be governed by a board of directors, who shall assume management and control of the affairs and property of the Club; shall establish policy for the Club not otherwise specified by the bylaws; shall perform all duties usually accorded a board of directors; and at all times shall act in the best interest of the Club and its members. The board of directors shall consist of all elected officers plus the appointed directors. All past presidents who remain active members shall be eligible to vote at board meetings.

Section 2 - Meetings of Board  

Meetings of the board of directors shall be held at the call of the president or upon written application to the secretary of not less than half of the members of the board of directors. There will be at least one meeting of the board of directors per calendar year. Club members are encouraged to attend meetings. Meetings may be conducted by mail or email on specific subject matter when information is mailed or emailed to each director for action. Any Club member may submit matters of concern to the board of directors through the president or secretary at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 3 - Board Voting  

Each member of the board of directors has one vote. Proxy voting is not allowed. Voting by mail or email on matters posted for response by the board of directors at least two weeks before the meeting is allowable. Such votes must be submitted to the president or the secretary.

Section 4 - Vacancies  

Any vacancy that may occur on the board for any cause other than expiration of a term may be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the board members present at any duly called meeting of the board.

Section 5 - Quorum  

A quorum shall constitute all board members present at a meeting, but not fewer than five board members, providing one of them is either the president or first vice president.

Section 6 - Order of Business  

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern this Club in all cases where applicable and where they are not in conflict with Club bylaws.


The bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by an affirmative vote of those members exercising their right to vote. Any proposal for changes of the bylaws shall be submitted to the board of directors through the president or secretary. The proposed changes shall be submitted to the board of directors for an affirmative vote. If the board of directors votes affirmatively, the secretary shall mail, or email, or arrange for the proposed amendment to be mailed, or emailed to all members. All changes shall be in full effect upon the confirmation by an affirmative majority of the membership present at a regular meeting. All changes shall be in full effect upon the confirmation by an affirmative majority of the membership present at a regular meeting, or as described in Article II, Section 3.

Revision History

Updated, May, 1988

Amended, March, 1989

Amended, October, 1992

Revised, February, 2003

Revised, April, 2006

Revised, February, 2011

Revised, February 2013

Revised, November 2015

Revised, March 2021

Revised, January 2024

The Sedona Car Club has made arrangements with Lands End for club members to order clothing and other merchandise with the Sedona Car Club logo.

Lands End has created what they call our e-store. By going directly to our e-store it lets Lands End know that we are ordering a shirt, jacket, sweatshirt, etc. to have the SCC logo on it. Once you log in to our e-store the shopping is just like any internet purchase. You select your style, color, size, etc., then check out. All you have to do is click on the following link to start shopping for club merchandise.

Lands End

If, for any reason, you have difficulty with ordering from this web site, you can call the Lands End customer service department on 800-587-1541.

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