Giving Back to the Community
The club has been fortunate in past years to financially contribute to a number of worthy charities and organizations in the local area. Organizations that have benefitted from contributions in the past include The Sedona Food Bank and The Sedona Community Foundation.
Sedona Car Club is proud to say that since 2012 the Club has provided scholarships to local high school seniors and recent graduates who are embarking on a automotive services career path.
In May of 2024, Sedona Car Club provided 15 tool boxes to the students of Verde Tech High School. These tool boxes are required for the students to move on to the next course in their automotive repair vocational training.
We recently learned that the $2500 we donated in 2024 for scholarships has been awarded to two Yavapai College students enrolled in the automotive program. The award is shared between them for their second semester work. Both Rogelio Carrillo and Gary “Roy” Clift wrote letters of appreciation. They used phrases such as “amazing opportunity”, “greatly appreciate”, “making my academic dreams possible”, and spoke of the “ reassurance (the scholarship gave them) to further their education”.
Best wishes to them!
There are two recipients of the 2023 scholarship, Rhys Tarver and Andrew Jailly Espinoza. Both are enrolled at Yavapai College in pursuit of an automotive related degrees/certifications.
There are two recipients of the 2022 scholarship, Carlos Machado and Andrew Jaramillo. Both are enrolled at Yavapai College in pursuit of an automotive related degrees/certifications.
The 2021 scholarship recipient is Haley Love, who is enrolled at Yavapai College in pursuit of an Automotive Technician Certificate.
The 2020 scholarship recipient is Trevor Huber, who is enrolled at Yavapai College in pursuit of a Diesel Mechanic's Certificate. In addition he is studying welding and obtain a Welding Certificate.
2020 was a very difficult year for many of our neighbors in the Verde Valley because of the Covid pandemic. Many lost their jobs or had their working hours cut back and are struggling to pay the rent and put food on the table. So, the Sedona Car Club made a $1,000 cash donation to the Sedona Food Bank.
The 2019 scholarship recipient is Nicholas Lodico, enrolled this year in Auto 1 at Mingus and Auto 100 with Yavapai, plans to continue at Yavapai College in Prescott.
The 2018 scholarship recipient is Ethan Brogdan, a 2018 graduate of Cottonwood Mingus High School. Ethan plans to attend the diesel mechanics and welding program at Yavapai College.
The Sedona High School did not have a 2016 graduate intending on an automotive services career. So, the Sedona Car Club, in its continuing support of education in our community, has made a donation of one scholarship for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program at the Big Park Community School
The 2015 scholarship recipient is Morgan Gilbert, a 2015 graduate of Sedona High School. Morgan plans to attend the automotive program at Yavapai College.
The 2014 scholarship recipient is Boris Madar, a 2012 graduate of Sedona High School. Boris is continuing his automotive studies at Universal Technical Institute in Sacramento, CA.
The 2013 scholarship recipient is Daniel Ritter who is continuing his automotive studies at Universal Technical Institute.
The 2012 scholarship recipients are Michael Wilkins and Daniel Ritter who both plan to study automotive related subjects at Universal Technical Institute.